‘I create a space with flowers, plants, and any other materials, for people to contemplate, to celebrate and to enjoy.’
- Yuli Liang
I am an Ikebana artist and aesthetics researcher. Following my studies at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, I worked as talent management consultant between 2011–2020 in Shanghai, China. While pursuing a professional career, I enriched my creativity through art. A visit to Ryoanji Temple Rock Garden in Kyoto eight years ago embarked me a passionate journey to practise Ikebana, a meditative Zen art also known as “flower path”. I am accredited with Professor Diploma of Ikebana, by Sogetsu Foundations, Tokyo.
In 2021, I came to Germany to do research at the Graduate School of Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change (GSBC) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. My current research project explores the aesthetics and power of corporate architecture.
It's hard to define me.
Perhaps the statement by Johann Gottlieb Fichte in his book, 'The Vocation of Man (Die Bestimmung des Menschen)', 140 years ago, comes close:
"My mind can take no hold on the present world, nor rest in it a moment, but my whole nature rushes onward with irresistible force towards a future and better state of being.”
Such is my force.
For ikebana displays or performances at your residence, commercial or public space, please write to me at yuli.liang(at)hotmail.com